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Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
A Phenomenological Study of Coping Strategies In The Context of Blended Learning
Jonalyn E. Pormento
MAEd Sindangan National Agricultural School, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Sur
Perceived Factors Responsible for Indiscipline among Students in Secondary School in ASABA Metropolis of Delta State
Ighoyinvwin Peter Odogun*, Hope Avwerhosuo Odogun**, Dr. Christopher C. Abanobi***
*Department of Education, National Open University of Nigeria. **Department of Public Health, National Open University of Nigeria. ***Department of Educational Psychology and counseling FCE(T) Asaba, Delta state.
The Relationship between School Environment and Student Engagement in Private School
Quenie S. Romorosa*, Charena Mae L. Tabigue*, Mailitt Joy G. Salvino**, & James L. Paglinawan***
*Graduate Student, Central Mindanao University **Faculty, King’s College of Isulan ***Faculty, Central Mindanao University
Body Percussion and Neuropsychology: An interdisciplinary review
Shashank Mangirish Upadhye*, PhD Music Scholar Shweta Nitin Mahajan**, Mphil Clinical Psychology Scholar
*Department of Tabla, Goa College of Music, Goa **Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Behavioral Sciences and Forensic Investigation, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat
The Teaching of Reading and Writing as a Subject in Virtual Classroom: A Case Study
Jackie Lou C. Corbita
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Nursing students’ nomophobia, social media use, attention, motivation, and academic performance
Nidhi Chourasiya* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar [Nursing], Mansarovar Global University Bhopal (MP). **Professor, S.S Institute of Nursing Sciences & Research Center Sehore (MP).
Group Communication Patterns in the Army Community in the Army with Luv BTS 6th Anniversary Gathering
Rexy Diajeng Yovanca Alsabirin*, Nina Siti Salmaniah** & Agung Suharyanto***
*Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia *Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas of Medan Area, Indonesia ***Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas of Medan Area, Indonesia
Knowledge and Practices of Primary School Teachers Regarding first aid Management for Selected Minor Injuries
Mr. Mahanthesh M.M* & Dr.Pratiksha Patrick**
*S.LV college of Nursing (Chitradurga Karnataka.”) Ph.D Scholar Malwanchal University Indore.(M.P) **Guide- S. S Institute of Nursing Sciences Bhopal MP.