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ISSN NO: 2348-537X

Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
“A Study on Social and Emotional Reactions of Care - Givers of Elderly Demented Persons”
Shweta Thorat* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar (Nursing)Malwanchal University Indore (M.P) **Guide S.S Institute of Nursing college Bhopal (M.P)
Safe Motherhood Practices – “Knowledge and Behavior among Pregnant Women in Jigani Bangalore, Karnataka”
R. Golda Punitha* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick
*Ph.D Scholar (Nursing),Malwanchal University Indore (M.P) **Guide, S.S Institute of Nursing college Bhopal (M.P)
“A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Breastfeeding among Primi Mothers in Surajpur Greater Noida Region of Uttar Pradesh”
Ms. Aakanksha* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar (Nursing), Malwanchal University Indore (MP) **Guide – Professor, S.S. Institute of Nursing Sciences Sehore (MP)
Awareness and Attitude towards Climate Change of Motorela Drivers in Central Mindanao University
Cristy Wyin Montecalvo*, Sydney Carangcarang**, Davien Ghene Tampus***, Trisha Kaye Alcolar****, Margerie Concha*****, Philip Brillo****** & Arman Nuezca, PhD******
*,**,***,****,*****&******Research in Teaching Students, *******Research Adviser, Science Education Department, College of Education, Central Mindanao University,University Town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon, Philippines
Empowering Child Development Workers in Classroom Management and Pedagogy Extension Project: An Impact Study
Jay Fie P. Luzano*, Bernadette S. Binayao**, & Mary Joy T. Peligrino***
College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
An Exploration into the Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Broadcasting in the 21st Century
Olayemi Abiodun Ajibulu
An observational study between nurses and students
Nidhi Chourasiya* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar [Nursing], Mansarovar Global University Bhopal (MP). **Professor, S.S Institute of Nursing Sciences & Research Center Sehore (MP).
“Study to assess the Knowledge of Primary School teachers on first Aid management in selected School”
Mr. Mahanthesh M.M* & Dr.Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar, S.V.L College of Nursing, Malwanchal University Indore.(M.P) **Guide S.V.L College of Nursing, Malwanchal University Indore.(M.P)