Fatherhood in frames: A Qualitative Study of Gamer Dads" Stories of Parenting and Gaming
Vergil B. Tagalogon*, & James L. Paglinawan**
*Graduate Student, Central Mindanao University
**Faculty, Central Mindanao University
Abstract :
There are several challenges faced by enthusiastic gamer fathers in balancing their responsibilities as parents and gamers. Thus, delving into the lived experiences of gamer dads, examining the difficulties they encountered in effectively allocating time between gaming and parenting, as well as the strategies they employed to cope with the tensions that arose from this dual engagement.
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1-7 |
Significance of Effective Leadership to Sustain Psychological Engagement at Workplace
Dr. Richa Chaudhary
Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences, Auro University, Surat, Gujarat
Abstract :
In today"s rapidly evolving and highly competitive business environment, effective leadership is more crucial than ever for sustaining psychological engagement in the workplace. Psychological engagement, encompassing aspects such as emotional commitment, job satisfaction, and motivation, plays a vital role in fostering productivity and overall organizational success.
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8-16 |
FitQuest: A Fitness Mobile Application for Gym Enthusiasts
Raineir Jun I. Luces*, Rodney C. Ormeo**, Duane G. Gemino***, Ronnie C. Fortaleza****, & Jeffric S. Pisuena*****
*&*****State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
** &*** I-Tech College, Philippines
****University of Antique, Philippines
Abstract :
The use of mobile technology has grown over the period of time and it has penetrated almost every industry: these markets as part of the healthcare and fitness market segment was also highlighted. The current research is situational in nature and seeks to establish the effects, growth, construction, launch, and usage of Mobile Apps in fitness for the purpose of promoting health, exercise, and wellness.
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17-23 |
VARK Learning Styles and Academic Achievement of Pre-service Teachers in a State University in the Philippines
Hazel Damasco*, Trisha E.**, Dairavel ***, Stephanie****, Cherish*****, Regine******, &Jay Fie P. Luzano*******
College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Philippines
Abstract :
Learning styles highlight individual variations of preferred educational approaches and study methods. This study examines the level of the learning styles in terms of Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK) of the Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students and their level of achievement and its relationship.
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24-42 |
Evaluating Technology Integration in the Philippines: A Narrative Review on Enhancing Elementary Teachers" Classroom Management Practices
Riches L. Tortola, PhD
Faculty, College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay Bukidnon, Philippines
Abstract :
The evolving classroom now blends traditional methods with digital tools, presenting educators with the challenge of effectively integrating technology to foster a well-managed learning environment. However, there is inadequate evidence regarding its efficacy in promoting effective classroom management, particularly in developing countries such as the Philippines.
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43-49 |
Implementation Of Village Funds In Empowering Green Farmer Group In Natam Village, Parlilitan District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Armada Nainggolan*, Agung Suharyanto** & Yurial Arief Lubis***
*Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
**Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
***Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
Abstract :
This is to describe the Implementation of Village Funds and their obstacles to Empowering Farmer Groups in Improving and Becoming Independent Communities in Natam Village, Parlilitan District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency.
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50-62 |
Learning Environment, Teaching Strategies, and Styles among the Higher of Faculty Education Institution
Abstract :
The sudden switch in the delivery of lessons from face-to-face to flexible learning due to the coronavirus-19 pandemic has left educators with difficulty transitioning their teaching styles, teaching strategies, and learning environment.
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63-74 |
“Mothers" awareness of acute respiratory tract infections in children under five in Sankalapur Karnataka.”
Mr. Somashekhar Nidagundi* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*PhD Scholar , Malwanchal university Indore.(MP)
**Guide –S.S Institute of Nursing and Sciences Sehore (MP)
Abstract :
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) contribute to 14.3% of neonatal mortality and 15.9% of deaths among children aged 1 to 5 years in India, making them a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Many of these fatalities could be prevented if mothers were aware of the symptoms and signs of ARI, enabling timely referrals.
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75-78 |
“Encouraging Personal Hygiene Practices among Primary School Children”
Mr. Swamy R T* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Professor and HOD Department of pediatric nursing Royal college of nursing Mallapura Bangalore, PhD Scholar , Malwanchal university Indore.(MP)
**Guide –S.S Institute of Nursing and Sciences Sehore (MP)
Abstract :
Healthcare-associated infections remain a significant concern among young children. Research indicates that possessing knowledge about hygiene does not necessarily translate into its consistent practice in daily life.
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79-84 |
“Effectiveness of planned teaching about knowledge regarding study related stress and coping ability among nursing students.”
Javeed Choudhari* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar (Professor), Malwanchal Global University
**Guide, S.S institute Nursing Sciences Bhopal (MP)
Abstract :
Stress in nursing education is widely recognized as a critical issue in today"s world. It arises from an imbalance between environmental demands and the resources an individual perceives as available to meet those demands.
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85-89 |