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ISSN NO: 2348-537X

Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Selected Aspects of Safe Motherhood among Primigravida Women in Selected Hospitals, Bangalore Karnataka
R. Golda Punitha* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar (Nursing), Malwanchal University Indore (M.P) **Guide - S.S Institute of Nursing college Bhopal (M.P)
Caregiver Burden: A concept analysis
Mrs. Shweta Thorat* & Dr.Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar, Malwanchal university Indore **Guide- Dr.Pratiksha Patrick (Professor) S.S Institute of Nursing Sehore (M.P)
Ethical Decision- Making in the Context of Education: A Systematic Literature Review
College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay Bukidnon, Philippines
The Teaching of Reading and Writing as a Subject in Virtual Classroom: A Case Study
Jackie Lou C. Corbita
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
A comparative study to assess the prevalence and level of depression among elderly living in selected old age home and elderly living with family in selected community area of Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
Dr. Payal Sharma* & Mrs. Ajeeta Panna**
*Research Supervisior- Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P.) **Ph.D Schoolar Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P.)
Descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding cervical cancer and its prevention among adolescent girls of Pt. Devkinandan school with the view
Dr. Payal Sharma* & Mrs. Reshma Minj**
*Research Supervisor-Malwanchal university, Indore(M.P) **Ph.D Scholar Malwanchal university, Indore(M.P)
Through the Pandemic: Experiences of Early Childhood Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Narrative Review
Xenia Pouline N. Abiero
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
“Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Infections Among Under-Five Children and Its Association with Sociodemographic Factors and Housing Conditions in Rural area Kamlaapura village Karnataka”
Mr. Somashekhar Nidagundi* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*PhD Scholar , Malwanchal university Indore.(MP) **Guide –S.S Institute of Nursing and Sciences Sehore (MP)
“A Study to Evaluate the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents from Different Economic Groups toward the Play Needs of Children”
Mr.Venkatesha Reddy T* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*PhD Scholar Malwanchal University Indore. **Guide S.S Institute of Nursing Sciences.