Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Selected Aspects of Safe Motherhood among Primigravida Women in Selected Hospitals, Bangalore Karnataka
R. Golda Punitha* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar (Nursing), Malwanchal University Indore (M.P)
**Guide - S.S Institute of Nursing college Bhopal (M.P)
Abstract :
Pregnancy is a special event. The labor and birth process is an exciting, anxiety provoking situation for the woman and her family. Hence, a study was conducted to assess the effect of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding selected aspects of safe motherhood among primigravida women in selected hospitals, Bangalore Karnataka with the objective to assess the existing level of knowledge
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1-10 |
Caregiver Burden: A concept analysis
Mrs. Shweta Thorat* & Dr.Pratiksha Patrick**
*Ph.D Scholar, Malwanchal university Indore
**Guide- Dr.Pratiksha Patrick (Professor)
S.S Institute of Nursing Sehore (M.P)
Abstract :
With an aging population that continues to grow and the number of people living with chronic disease increasing, health care is shifting from hospital to community and family[1,2]. Family members are key to the delivery of long-term care for patients and loved ones[3,4]. An abundance of research notes that family caregivers experience a significant burden in providing care to patients with specific illness such as mental health illness [5], parkinson disease
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11-18 |
Ethical Decision- Making in the Context of Education: A Systematic Literature Review
College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay Bukidnon, Philippines
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive analysis of several studies on how to make ethical decision- making in the context of education. A systematic literature review was used in order to gather data from related studies, literatures and researches support the present study. The data analysis was qualitative in nature; hence it provides a clear presentation of concepts/ideas in ethical
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19-37 |
The Teaching of Reading and Writing as a Subject in Virtual Classroom: A Case Study
Jackie Lou C. Corbita
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Abstract :
This study focused on the investigation of the teaching of Reading and Writing as a subject in the virtual classroom. Four teachers from laboratory and private schools who were teaching Reading and Writing subject in the virtual classroom during the time of pandemic were the participants of the study.
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38-53 |
A comparative study to assess the prevalence and level of depression among elderly living in selected old age home and elderly living with family in selected community area of Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
Dr. Payal Sharma* & Mrs. Ajeeta Panna**
*Research Supervisior- Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P.)
**Ph.D Schoolar Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P.)
Abstract :
A comparative study was carried out on 60 sample in selected elderly people of old age home and community Bilaspur (C.G.) to assess prevalence and level of depression among elderly people, data collection tool included the prevalence and level of depression among elderly people by structured tool and self-prepared questionnaire tool , experts determine the content and validity of tools.
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54-59 |
Descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding cervical cancer and its prevention among adolescent girls of Pt. Devkinandan school with the view
Dr. Payal Sharma* & Mrs. Reshma Minj**
*Research Supervisor-Malwanchal university, Indore(M.P)
**Ph.D Scholar Malwanchal university, Indore(M.P)
Abstract :
Cervical cancer is a devastating disease for women around the world. Nearly 50,000 women suffer from the disease and more than 270,00 die each year. Cervical cancer is the second common cancer among women.
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60-67 |
Through the Pandemic: Experiences of Early Childhood Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Narrative Review
Xenia Pouline N. Abiero
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Abstract :
The practicum experience for early childhood education preservice teachers is the stage where they can have hands-on experience handling learners and applying all the pedagogical knowledge and skills they have learned. This qualitative study, most specifically, the transcendental phenomenology research design, was utilized to explore the experiences of five early childhood education pre-service teachers during the new normal.
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68-81 |
“Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Infections Among Under-Five Children and Its Association with Sociodemographic Factors and Housing Conditions in Rural area Kamlaapura village Karnataka”
Mr. Somashekhar Nidagundi* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*PhD Scholar , Malwanchal university Indore.(MP)
**Guide –S.S Institute of Nursing and Sciences Sehore (MP)
Abstract :
Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) pose a significant public health challenge in India, contributing to 15–30% of all fatalities among children under five years of age.
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82-88 |
“A Study to Evaluate the Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents from Different Economic Groups toward the Play Needs of Children”
Mr.Venkatesha Reddy T* & Dr. Pratiksha Patrick**
*PhD Scholar Malwanchal University Indore.
**Guide S.S Institute of Nursing Sciences.
Abstract :
The study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding Play Needs of Children among Parents of Various Economic Groups in Selected Areas of Turuvanur road Chitradurga Karnataka.
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89-65 |